My Luve Is Like a Red, Red Window

O my Window’s like a
red red rose,
That opens wide each
O my Window’s like the
shining sun,
Blazing away
the morning gray.


Ah, soft art thou, my
window shade,
So deep in love am I;
And I will love thee
still, my dear,
Till night’s deep gloom is


Till a’ the stars melt
down, my dear,
As new dawn’s glow
is felt;
And I will luve thee
still, my dear,
With all your steadfast


And through many a mile,
my only Luve!
May you last, a
And I’ll be here
‘ere my Luve,
Through ups ‘n downs
of smiles!



– by Katie, with a nod of inspiration to Robert Burns, a famous Scottish poet who wrote “A Red, Red Rose” in 1749, which was originally written as a song but is often published and studied in poetry classes for its evocative but simple emotions. Robert Burns’ song has been widely performed by such diverse people as Pat Boone and Carly Simon. Bob Dylan, one of my favorite singer songwriters, credits the lyrics of this song to be a big influence on his life . Love reigns supreme.

Whatever your heart loves this Valentine’s Day, it is never too late to say I love you.
