Pink Power

Pink power pounds with a quiet strength as we honor women who battle breast cancer and all who rally to the power of pink. The color pink has evolved from the “pretty in pink” attitude to a color of healing, caring and nurturing.  Although pink has a strong feminine feeling, this color has always been regarded as a positive color, suggesting a tenderness and a softness.  Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to the color pink actually creates a calming effect.  Pink is also used in locker rooms and other volatile spaces to reduce anxiety and temper explosive feelings.  Pink even increases the sweetness factor.  Pastries presented in pink boxes or on pink plates trick our senses into believing delicate goodies are extra sweet. Pink power cannot be denied as it combines the passion and boldness of red with the purity and completeness of white-an ideal symbol for Breast Cancer Awareness.


Since the color pink can range from placid, pale pink to shocking, shrieking hot pink, many hues can inform your ideas when thinking about using the color pink. Why not be inspired by this color in your design ideas even if pink is not in your style book today. It is always fun to dream-just a bit of pink might take you to the wild side or add a touch of softness. No matter what, we revere pink for what it means to heal, comfort and strengthen our mothers, sisters, daughters and friends who fight against this disease.  My own grandmother died of breast cancer many years ago before the pink ribbon and the awareness of breast cancer was in our vernacular and before so many new drugs and treatments were available. She did love the color pink and in her honor, here are some fresh pink ideas for your home.


Be brave and imagine the brightest pink- just a touch can revitalize the spirits in your home or go whole hog and decorate with broad brushes of pink.

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For a more muted but expressive use of pink, these rooms show off a contemporary, fresh pink mood. These looks are anything but ordinary or foo-foo but classy, refined, smart!  Don’t overlook the window treatments when combining shades of pink to pull your decor together in refreshing hues.

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Think pink today and everyday as Breast Cancer continues to strike too many of us. Power to Pink and all our brave women who embrace the strength contained in the pink ribbon of hope and find the courage to stay strong!