Color Therapy With Kellie Clements

Hi there! I am thrilled to contribute another post to the beHome Blindsgalore Blog. Since BG kindly gave me free reign in choosing a topic, I’ve decided it would be fun to take this opportunity to play therapist and share with you a little about what I have learned over the past decade about people…and COLOR!

There is something about introducing color into your home that can be scary and invigorating all at the same time. The truth is that the use of color is a commitment that some of us are not willing to keep long term. I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is the COMMITMENT that frightens most of us, not the actual use of color. You know the ole’ saying: “If you wouldn’t marry him, don’t date him.” That cliché is easily applicable to the use of color in home décor:  If you wouldn’t consider “dating” a yellow area rug then you likely won’t flirt with a citron drenched throw pillow either. Many will confess that the thought of making a mistake is paralyzing, so the comfortable alternative is to do nothing.

I often meet with clients (who have seen my work) and they say to me: “Ok…we want color…but nothing crazy”. It still makes me giggle even after hearing it so many times. As a designer, my job is to paint a vivid picture of what my clients can’t envision on their own. It truly is a process that requires some coaching. There are different comfort levels when experimenting with color and starting the process can be a fun experience if you know how to approach it. If you have lived your life in a sea of neutrals and are still intimidated by the thought of selecting a color scheme, don’t start by painting your dining room walls peacock blue (although, look how fabulous it is!).

The anxiety of your paint purchase might require a glass of wine long before one drop of paint even hits the walls. There are an infinite number of ways you can inject personality and color into your own space. It can seem overwhelming but it really is so simple (and gratifying) when done right. I find that the majority of us just lack a jumping off point.

Please stay tuned for my color therapy series where I’ll share simple steps to help you start your journey towards a character filled home. You, too, can be cured from a life of greige!