7 Cool Office Gadgets


I know you all like to know what is happening in our DIY world here at Blindsgalore, but I was reading the “Wired” magazine “Star Wars” issue and was fantasizing about adding a touch of the FORCE to my office instead of my home. I had to share this “out of this world” desk with you and now I have some awesome gadgets to make any work space open your mind to a new galaxy of working.

You could always buy a new pair of mirrored vertical blinds, if you really want your desk to stand out. Think above and beyond!



1. Pen Tree

Everyone has pens, paper clips and scissors that get lost in drawers.  Why not organize them in plain sight with the pen tree. Simple, sleek and so unique.




2. This Office is Patrolled by Ninjas!

Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of co-workers like the threat of a sudden Ninja attack. With the push pin Ninja stars, you can post messages in friends’ offices while enforcing the belief that your next email could be your last!



3. Beats

Oftentimes, I will tune the world out to get the creative juices going with a little music. However, a design studio is not exactly the most peaceful place. Assistants and other designers maintain a constant buzz of activity while working on projects. With these new “Beats” noise canceling headphones, your working space becomes immediately peaceful. They are admittedly expensive but these cool headphones completely block out the world and you can’t put a price on sanity.

4. Polished Chrome

We all love to Google Search, Shop and Map but recently Google has thrown its hat in the ring as a legitimate provider of laptops. Built as an Apple competitor, the Chromebook is lightweight and easy to use. It features a rival to the retina display and touch screen. Although for the time being, Mac is the standard for design work, there could be a changing of the guard soon.  Apple and Google love to outdo each other.

5. April Fools Tools

With April fools right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about pranks in the office place.  This simple to use thumb drive plugs into the back of any PC or MAC and allows you to have some fun at your co-workers’ expense.  Simply choose the “Swap Keyboard Function” and watch as they go crazy trying to figure why their “a” is now the “l” key.

6. Gaming Calculator

For many of us the work day is a reminder that we have to wait a whole 8 hours to level up.  For those of us determined to get all of our work completed but still in need of a mid-day gaming fix, this gaming calculator might be the answer to a drowsy afternoon.



7. Tetra-firma

Sometimes the prospect of driving in traffic to the office gets to be a bit too much. For me working from home can be a challenge as well. With the myriad normal distractions along with my children and husband, the Tetra Shed is a prefab office that fits (semi-conspicuously) into most backyards. Hey, if the kids can have a club house why can’t I? Now, Virginia Woolf would really croak if she saw this “ROOM OF MY OWN”.