Florals Pop Your Décor!

Floral designs have been used in home décor for centuries – which shouldn’t come as a surprise. Flowery elements bring life and color to the home, instantly energizing any space. Flowers amaze me because they come in so many different shapes, sizes, and colors, each displaying a unique beauty. It’s no wonder why so much inspiration comes from Mother Nature herself!



Floral touches can be included in décor through many features, whether it is a gorgeous print, vivid accents, or fresh flowers. Floral furniture immediately becomes the center point in any room, but you must pay attention to the details. Avoid a look that is reminiscent of Grandma’s by purchasing a sofa without a skirted bottom to declare a modern look.



Flowery furniture with a vintage feel instantly gives a feminine vibe, evoking a romantic charm. Pair busier patterns with single-toned accents, such as throw pillows or rugs.



Mixing and matching floral furniture with other patterned features creates an impressionistic décor statement if you have an eclectic style. Bright furniture looks great paired with many colors and designs.



Small accents are the perfect way to add a pop of color to your space without going overboard. Toss flowery pillows on any seating for a quick pick-me-up.





Another easy way to add floral touches is with rugs. I love when I find the right tones and hues in a floor piece to complement my color scheme and add visual interest to tie the whole room together.



Spaces that accentuate small details are my favorite. If you are afriad of over indulging, find ways to add floral accents in unexpected places.





For all you flower fanatics, what is a better way to brighten your space besides wallpaper or tile? Keep complementary colors in mind and match existing accent colors in the wall with other elements in the room.



New to patterns? You do not have to make a huge commitment to floral walls or expensive furniture if you are unsure. Instead, try incorporating a floral window treatment in your home. Windows are the perfect place to add a burst of color and detail without overdoing it. Not to mention, drapes are easily interchangeable depending on your mood or the season.





Nothing beats the real thing. What I like about decorating with freshly picked flowers is that you can constantly change your color scheme. Don’t overlook a unique vase, even though I am partial to a simple, clear vase to show off your chosen blossoms.



Floral designs work in any room due to their abundance. Casual or formal, traditional or modern, rustic or urban, all of these styles can incorporate a pop of floral color and intricacy.



Definitive rules don’t exist, just remember that balance is key when decorating with floral patterns. You probably wouldn’t want to pair flowery wallpaper with a similar couch, but floral throw pillows and drapery would complement each other well. Have fun with it! Enjoyment in the process will show through the final product. Florals – whether fancy or fun, serene or outrageous, regal or plain, make it your own.