Are You Seeing Red?

Your senses, no doubt, are overloaded as the holiday hours are dwindling quickly and still so much to do that you are seeing RED like me!


*Standing in too many lines, too long.

*Checking the balance in your bank account.

*Deluged by too many Christmas songs (no more “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”).

*Staring at too many Holiday decorations.

*Tying too many package bows with chapped hands.


Argh…you are saying, “no more red.”


But wait a minute, why does this color provoke so much passion? For a good reason, as red is the strongest color in the color palette, containing the longest light wavelength. Red is associated with high energy and power. Red draws immediate attention, creates excitement, accelerates our breathing and raises our blood pressure. Red is the hottest and most dynamic color. It is intimidating but exciting and beautiful.


Instead of trying to tame red, embrace it.

In your home, let red be your inspiration.


Red fosters conversation, activity and appetite. Red can be an ideal color in your dining room to spark your dinner parties.


A kitchen can also be enlivened as red energizes and will stir any cook to put on apron and get those pots humming.


Red is such a bold color, it is perfect for gathering places, such as your family room or living room.


Your sports fans will be even more pumped up in your media room, accented in color, complemented by our Blindsgalore Official Team Logo Roller Shades.

So many official logos have red in them for all the dynamism and thrill that red engenders.


Be brave and your bedroom can crackle with red.


If you are cautious about red, use it as an accent color.

Now, relax, welcome red into your home and let it grace your holidays with its exuberance, passion and depth.