Tempting White Hot Days

White is so a reflection of these bright days. White catches the spirit of purity, solace and simplicity, yet white is also an expression of extreme “coolness”. White is a combination of all the colors in the spectrum which creates a magnificent sensation, or maybe obsession! White is not as simple as it seems. Think of white as a palette of perfection. You cannot hide, blur or obscure with white; all imperfections are visible and details are sharp and incisive. White can be impressive and overwhelming, but when used carefully, white packs a powerful punch. This color reigns supreme and offers us a chance to express a singular flair.

An ultra cool living room with metallic accents sets a romantic, elegant mood.

This simple and sparse white bedroom is softened by the natural wood floor and the overhead beams. The whimsy of the decorative decor above the bed adds organic detail.

Gold accents in each of these rooms are a hot combination of an elaborate and luxurious use of white.

White drapes frame this modern space, accented with black, always a classic combo.

White on white in each of these rooms is the star.

I saved this last room as the ultimate pristine evocative use of the superlative white decor.

You can see that white is a remarkable and exuberant color, flowing and capturing a mood forever sensuous.