Your Window Blinds: How Safe Are They?

While the average person doesn’t stop to scrutinize the quality or safety of window blinds in one’s own home, if there are children or pets in the home, it’s time to start. The injuries and tragedies that have occurred from the cords on shades and blinds nationwide are now easily avoidable with cordless innovations utilizing high-quality components. Window treatment companies are now making safety a priority, bringing peace of mind to customers.

Cordless shades and blind systems do away with hazardous cords, replacing them with simple, easy-to-use mechanisms. One cordless setup employs a motorized device wherein the homeowner uses a remote control to raise and lower the blind. If electricity isn’t your style, no need to worry, there is another system using push and pull where you manually move the bottom rail of the blind to adjust the shade level of the blind. You’ll want to find a place to try both of these systems in person to decide which cordless blind system suits your needs best.

Because there have been advances in child-safe blind technology, window companies have made safety their highest concern while also expanding styles so that you can find the perfect combination of safety and beauty for your home.

Discount Roman shades have a popular folding pleat style that has a classic, clean look, while providing excellent privacy and light control, while conforming to child safety guidelines. Roman shades are also available in handmade fabrics, enabling you to add that extra elegant touch at reasonable prices.

Aluminum blinds are also an excellent choice for high traffic areas in your home. Cordless aluminum blinds in 8-gauge are very durable and stylish and available in a plethora of colors. Good-quality aluminum blinds are also painted in a way that prevents contact with trace amounts of lead that can sometimes be found in cheaper blinds, so be sure to pick a brand that assures not just cordless safety, but lead safety as well.

Honeycomb shades with their double cell technology create insulation from summer heat and the chill of winter, they also keep the room light, but private. A honeycomb shade in a bright color with a cordless system provides optimal comfort and safety, a great choice for kids’ rooms and nurseries.

Ultimately, when it comes to your loved ones, taking the time to pick window shades that have a strong safety record is paramount.