A Weekend DIY!

Now is the time to get all those outside DIY projects done before the crisp autumn days are overtaken by Jack Frost and the holidays besiege us with tasks galore. I know how lucky I am to live in Southern California, land of balmy days and beach sunsets, but there are still plenty of chores to finish. My outdoor shower, (I know, I know, an outdoor shower; are you kidding…yes, it is a small handmade luxury), but the floor was puddling water and needed to be leveled and replaced with a non-skidding material. Will grabbed his tools and helped me dig out the old floor of rubber tile, clumpy dirt and bumpy rocks.






We had to level the dirt floor and use our big tamper to make sure our new gray Trex floor boarding would fit perfectly. After our trip to the local hardware store, which was an adventure itself, as Will was transfixed with wonderment in a huge warehouse full of super-sized building materials and machines, we loaded up our slick new boards and spent the rest of the weekend sawing and laying down our beautiful new shower floor. Will helped with all the tools and we finished the job together. Will is now an experienced DIYer and my favorite assistant.



It is never too early to corral your kids and enlist their spontaneity, curiosity and companionship in all your tasks. Nothing is more rewarding that the smile of a job well done.
