Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Goodbye, Summer, I’m going to miss you. From popsicles, to hammocks, to open wide windows, you’ve always been good to me. You have it all, with summer camp, rope swings, freckles, s’mores, afternoon thunderstorms, green everywhere, shorts, fireworks, fish tacos, endless twilight, blue crabs, forts, watermelon, hammocks, summer reading, road trips, convertibles with the tops down, summer love, fireflies, bright flowers, warm mornings and melting ice cream.

But I can’t lie, there is just something about fall that that gets me energized for what’s to come. There’s a je ne sais quoi in the air—that excitement, that itching you’ve had creeping up on you in August, nudging you into the fall. Going back to school, taking little ones to school, knowing that the sweaters and boots are coming out, that I can use my oven again and that soon I’ll get an extra hour of sleep on the solstice makes me happy. I’m so ready for cardigans, newly sharpened pencils, red and yellow leaves, the perfect pumpkin, Halloween, child safety month, yams, apple cider, the harvest, crisp lazy evenings, tailgating, dinners by the fire, candles, cozy socks, cinnamon and cloves, scrabble, caramel apples, and family time.

I’m not going to be able to take sides, I love you both too much.

Want to prep your home for the Fall? Pin your favorite ideas now!//